Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Truth About Your ADHD Child's Lying

How parents can stop ADHD children from lying, fibbing or telling lies and fibs.I must be on the mailing list for CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) because I received a mailer promoting the organization’s upcoming conference in Cleveland.

But that’s besides the point.

As I flipped through the pages of the preliminary program, I noticed an add for ADDitude magazine. Two words: GREAT RESOURCE! The online mag has articles that help ADD adults deal with zoning out, ADHD and bulimia, discussion forums on medications,how teamwork can help your  ADD child blossom, etc.

So I visit the site and stumble upon an article entitled, “The Truth About Your ADHD Child’s Lying.” In the article, Dr. Peter Jaksa says that “Attention deficit children may tell lies as a result of their ADHD symptoms rather than being dishonest.” This is exactly what I’ve been experiencing with my son. And 9 times out of 10, his lies are due to disorganization or not focusing on the speaker. After reading this article, I felt an instant surge of patience—not because I plan on letting my 8 yo off the hook for any and every white lie, but because I know that lying is not always his default (hopefully). There is scientific evidence that it does tie into his AD/HD.


Here’s another snippet from the article:

Have a heartfelt talk with your child about the serious consequences of breaking the trust between the two of you. Equally important, tell him how he can repair it. Follow these rules:

  • Establish consequences for telling lies. Discuss these with your teen early on.
  • Confront lying when it happens, but do so in a calm, respectful manner. The most important goal is to teach responsible behavior, not to criticize or blame.
  • Be consistent and fair in enforcing consequences. Let the punishment fit the crime.
  • Demand accountability. Taking responsibility means owning up to the lie, showing repentance, and offering a sincere apology to you and, in some cases, the family.
  • Reward honesty. When little George Washington told the truth about cutting down the cherry tree, he demonstrated character and, thus, received a lighter punishment.
  • Be honest yourself. Parents are the strongest role models in their child’s lives.

Dr. Peter Jaksa even gives 4 steps on how to detect lies. Good stuff if you’re a teacher or parent of an AD/HD child. Just paying it forward and sharing the wealth. :) Think I’ll even sign up for a hard copy subscription.


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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My son has the opportunity to begin his political career at age 8

It’s true! My 3rd grader came home yesterday with a signed nomination form for Student Council. Wow . . . I didn’t even know they offered Student Council at that age.

In order to be nominated, students and parents were asked to complete the application that included TWO teacher recommendations. Fortunately for my kiddo, he received glowing recs from both teacher endorsers! So now we wait. Out of all the 3rd graders, they will only select 2 to sit on Student Council. Announcements will be made on October 2.

Stay tuned for the results . . . (and send up a prayer if it crosses your mind). :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

1978 Cutlass for sale!

A friend of mine is selling second car because “Dave Ramsey said so.” If you’re interested, details can be found here:

At only $1350 OBO, it shouldn’t last long.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Did I tell you that I love my life?

I'm just amazed at how peaceful and enjoyable life can be when you adore the folks you come home to and love what you do everyday.

Thank You, Jesus. I don't deserve all that You give.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What happens when your son . . .

Has 5 minutes of free time, an active imagination, and a sharpened pencil.

Gotta love it. ;)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Did you know that the typical American millionaire reads one nonfiction book a month?

Yep, just one of the surprising secrets of America’s wealthy.

Recently, I checked out The Millionaire Next Door from our local library. Authors Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D. and William D. Danko, Ph.D., do a fantabulous job of defining the pedigree of a typical US millionaire.

They write, “Affluent people typically follow a lifestyle conducive to accumulating money. In the course of our investigations, we discovered seven common denominators among those who successfully build wealth:

1. They live well below their means.

2. They allocate their time, energy, and money efficiently, in ways conducive to building wealth.

3. They believe that financial independence is more important than displaying high social status.

4. Their parents did not provide economic outpatient care.

5. Their adult children are economically self-sufficient.

6. They are proficient in targeting market opportunities.

7. They chose the right occupation” (p 3-4).

I highly recommend checking this book out . . . literally. There is so much meat within its pages that it’ll make you look at the way you spend and save differently.


It’s true. I just walked my final payment out to the mailbox.

If you would have told me 13 months ago that I’d be paying off a brand-new car this year as a single mom, I probably would’ve laughed in your face. (As I type this, my eyes are beginning to water.) But because God is so good, THAT DAY IS TODAY! All it took was a little stick-to-it-tiveness, being consistent with a monthly budget, and sacrificing for the short-term. And here I am!

Praise God! I am on my way to financial freedom! Thanks, too, to Dave Ramsey and the gang. Last leg of the race before knocking down the mortgage: my beloved student loan


Random links you may find helpful

Some offer free stuff, some offer life-changing information:


2. FREE samples of always feminine products:

3.  FREE download for the serious Tweeter:

4. A proven plan to help you get out of debt:

5. FREE make-up every day during the month of September 2009: 

6. REDBOOK’s “Saving Strategies from Money Mavens”:

7. Dave Ramsey’s giving away $999 every day until September 18, 2009. Enter here daily:

8. One of the coolest churches I’ve experienced:

9. FREE coupons:

Mobile marketing interests me

I recently read in Entrepreneurship magazine that mobile phone ownership outpaces personal PC ownership by the millions. Is anyone else as shocked as I am?

On the one hand, I shouldn’t be so surprised. Case in point: several of my son’s classmates have cell phones. At age 8!

But I digress.

The point of this post is to share with you a recent blog entry that focused on Coca-Cola Co. and its mobile marketing results.

Three years ago, Coke began a mobile marketing campaign. Today, the company is growing its customer acquisition rate by 5-10% PER MONTH! Who wouldn’t want to see those numbers? I know that eventually I’d like to see those types of blog followers. :)

Jeff Zabin, Chicago-based vice president and research fellow at the Aberdeen Group, says that overall, “Best-in-class companies [such as Coca-Cola] are increasing their focus on mobile marketing as a percentage of their overall marketing mix, with 71 percent indicating that their mobile marketing activities are integrated with their other marketing tactics either somewhat or extensively.”

The blog article goes on to say that “Reaching on-the-go consumers via their handsets is a priority for the beverage giant. But Coca-Cola stresses the fact the program goes well beyond just giving consumers the opportunity to text in codes at the point of purchase.”

In a word, it’s about engagement. When you directly engage consumers, brand advocates, and audiences that truly impact your bottom-line—and then use their collaborative thoughts and ideas to develop innovative new products--you’ve hit the Holy Grail of marketing. From the looks of thinks, Coca-Cola is doing it right.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hurricanes 12, Texans 0

That’s right. Put a big fat “W” in the win column for our season opener!

It never ceases to amaze me how much parents in Texas love the game                                    of football. With that said, I am one of the loudest moms out on the field. :)

I’m the kind that paces up and down the field just as much as the coaches.                               I’m the kind that gets butterflies when her son does a QB keeper.                                     Anyway . . .

I just want to say that I am so proud of my son for giving it his all.                                             And who knows? Perhaps our tradition of “Pancake Saturdays” helped to                                   give him an extra energy boost. :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Laser hair removal is better than . . .

Well, I won’t say it, but you know what I mean.

For those ladies (and gents) who have experienced this fantabulous technological advance, stand proud! You’re not the only one. :)

I’m now on series 3:5 of my scheduled treatments, and all is well. (Wish I had pics to show, but it was such the afterthought.) How do women under 40 get hair to grow in the most inopportune places? I have no idea but  just chalk it up to the fanatical hormones disgorged during pregnancy, childbirth, and labor.

Guess I would be embarrassed to divulge the hairy areas in question if they still existed, but they don’t. :) To date, I’ve had my cheeks, mustache, chin, and neck lasered. And it feels SO GOOD! Everything is just as it should be – smooth to the touch and hair free. A bit costly, yes, but well worth the sacrifice.

If anyone resides in the Dallas area and is interested in the best laser hair removal experience, Google Dr. Raymond Blackburn and staff. They are by far the best!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Testing out the new mobile app

If this thing works, I'll have yet another reason to multi-task during my son's football practice. :) Attaching pic to see how it comes through . . .

Can’t believe it’s been 7 months since my last blog entry

Where does the time go?

In the last 200 days or so, my genius son aced 2nd grade, my divorced mother and father decided to re-marry EACH OTHER, I won a local modeling competition, one of my cousins graduated college, my son’s behavior has done a complete 180, I traveled to Naples, Florida for a much-needed vacation!, my desire for developing my own manuscripts returned in full force, I’m still learning to live and love fully and deeply, I finally filed with the Attorney General’s office for back child support, I’m working for a new company, I decided to serve as a foster mom for animals, and there is an assault charge pending against my ex-husband.

I know . . . cRaZy.

But GOD IS SOOOO GOOD! Amidst the difficulties and challenges, I feel like my life is in balance. Journaling, personal prayer time, and working out have definitely helped to keep my mind clear.

Praying now for my son’s ADHD treatment. If you’re a mom with an ADD/ADHD child and don’t mind sharing your day-to-day victories, I’d appreciate the encouragement. :) Comment here with a link back to your Web site or with contact details.

To God be the glory!